Welcome to my blog, JewelleryMadeWithLove is my home run business creating one off pieces of jewellery. I use modern colours and a variety of materials (including silver plated findings) to produce the best products I can and the best prices possible for you. I wont do exact copies of previous pieces but I am happy to re-create similar pieces if there is something that you'd like but has already sold and please bear in mind that I am happy to take on custom pieces. You can check out my jewellery and accessories on my facebook pages.

Friday 20 May 2011


Well here we are - I finally made it over 1000 likers and it would appear that my blog is only being used for the purpose of competitions but this one is really to be celebrated.  Never, ever, did I imagine that in just over 3 months I'd have 1000 fans but here we are.

What I'd like to do is have 3 simple (ish) clues all I need you to do is comment below with your answers AND email address and  at 9.45pm this evening (GMT) I'll use a random generator to pick a winner out of the correct answers.  The winners prize will be earrings, bracelet, necklace and accessory of their choice but this will be discussed when I contact them.

Ok ready??  Here goes

(1)  name the film
       - - -   /   - n - - - d - - - - -    (3/11)

(2) name the tv show
      - -   /   - - -   /   - - -   /   - - p - -   /   - e - - - n -     (2/3/3/5/7)

(3) simple maths (not so simple if your me though lol)
      6x3+12 =???

dont forget to include email address or your entry will not count!!  Winner will be picked at approx 9.45pm tonight xxx

Friday 25 March 2011

Gooooooooood Morning

Well I am officially back from my holiday and back into the madness of it all.  The past couple of days have been spent catching up on holiday washing, stripping wallpaper and catching up on emails/orders but I am pleased to announce that I have made itover the 300 liker mark on my Facebook page and so its time for another competition...........

I have a album with only 2 wall photos in it - the question is this.......................

In the picture with the drink cans - how many cans do you think there are?

Competition is open until 10pm on Sunday evening and is open to all.  Answers to be emailed to me at jmwl@live.co.uk leaving your name and the email address you'd like to be contacted on if successful.  The winner will be chosen at random using a random number generator and in the instance that no-body guesses the correct answer, the nearest number will be the winner.

Good luck everyone xxx

Thursday 10 March 2011

200 liker competition

Well we did it folks - in very little time we reached 200 likers.  It doesnt seem that long since my 100 liker competition but here we are, in the 3 short weeks that my business has been up and running we have hit the 200 mark!! 

So onto business - for this competition I'd like you to answer a couple of questions, the answers of which will be found either on my blog or my facebook page.  Anyone is eligable to enter (new and older likers).  To do so please either comment here with your answers and email address or email the same details to me at jmwl@live.co.uk The winner will be selected by using a random number selector and once notified will need to be in touch within 24 hours or a new winner will be announced.  Anyone failing to provide answers AND email address will not be included in the draw.  Prize will be an item of your choice from my page - good luck xx

Q1.   Where am I going on my holiday?
Q2.   How old is my son?
Q3.   What are my 3 new ideas?
         What is my first name??

Well thats it - good luck everyone!!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Wet and miserable day

Well its another wet and very windy day here but nothing can dampen my mood.  Not only have I had some superb deliveries this week (with  more to follow hopefully) but I am also now officially on holiday until 28th March.  I will be away from next Monday until the following Wed/Thurs but I have successfully organised my friend Jenny to take over as page admin while I am away.  Now this will cause some geographical challenges as I live here in, not so sunny, Oban and she lives in , considerably more sunny, Guernsey but she WILL be able to help answer any queries............all seems organised so Lanzarote here we come!!

I have another new idea in the pipeline so hopefully by the end of March to the middle of April there will be some wire wrapped items and , if I can get my hands on some, there may also be some sea glass items.  I love making jewellery and although my skills are limited I enjoy trying new ideas out regularly.  Some work, some dont!!  I am also heading into what I call the quirky and kitsch aswell and will be producing more food/drink items for fun.  I'm hoping to extend my children's jewellery lines aswell inspired by my son and his little friend.

While I am here and have a bit of time I'd like to tell you a little bit more about me........ I am 30 years young and live with my 4 year old little monster.  He is bundles of fun but can be rather hard work.  I work part time for a local supermarket and the rest of the time is spent making jewellery and looking at new ideas.  I have always loed jewellery and believe that it can make or break an outfit. 

Well look out for my next blog as it will be the 200 liker competition - open to all x

Thursday 3 March 2011

Wow March already!!

Well here we are in March.  I'm sure the years go quicker as we get older.  This month should be an exciting one for me with, fingers crossed, the launch of my website.............now I am getting a little ahead of myself as its not even in the making yet, but will be very soon.  As my close friends will know technology isnt always my strong point but, hopefully, I'll get the hang of it and it will be another string to my business bow. 
This blog has been a bit of a slow start for me but I shall endevour to provide a weekly blog with whats coming up next design wise and might even give you all a bit of background about me (remember that folks it might become important for future comps!!)

Thursday 24 February 2011

New Ideas

Well now that the inital panic set up to run my FB competition is over I can concentrate on doing one or 2 updates a week.

I'm really pleased that my FB page seems to be a success and gathering a reasonable amount of fans/likers and more importantly some sales.

I tried my hand at memory wire pieces yesterday and was happy with the results so now I'm moving onto another new idea................lucite flower jewellery.  Need the order to arrive but then the fun will begin.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Another day

Well there hasnt been much done over the last few days but I have received lots of goodies in the post and the facebook profile is getting to more people so I cant complain too much.  Hoping to get more products up and for sale later today. The most important thing is that the competition is now CLOSED...........

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the winner is..............Laura Hennessy!!  Congratulations xxx

Sunday 20 February 2011

Eeeeek day one!!!

Well here goes with my very first blog...............ever haha.  If i'm honest this has come about because of my facebook page and a competition but I had been considering it for a while.  This has just upped the need!!

So bizarre first ever blog but here's a competition lol

In my 'business' JMWL stands for JewelleryMadeWithLove but how would you use the initials to describe my items............funny or serious up to you xxx Open until Wed 23rd at 12 noon. Good luck xxx

Those who had already entered via my facebook page are still considered entered but any new entries can be left here or emailed to me at jmwl@live.co.uk

My blog will be updated and made a bit more interesting over the next week of so :)